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Lifestyle Benefits For Employees And Why Companies Should Embrace Them

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As work and life can become intertwined, it's no surprise that lifestyle benefits are something employees really want as part of an employment package. From wellness programs and health screenings to travel discounts and gym memberships to child and pet care, employers can offer a wide range of perks that align with their employees' needs. Job seekers now expect a good compensation package that offers more than the standard salary, paid time off, sick time, 401k, and health benefits; they want companies to add lifestyle benefits to the package. It's good to lead a healthy lifestyle which can help people feel better, which translates into work. If you haven't considered offering lifestyle benefits, learn why you should offer them to your employees to help them live their best life.

What Are Lifestyle Benefits?

Lifestyle benefits are benefits that companies offer to employees to improve their overall lifestyle. They can include benefits that support employees' health and wellness, travel plans, and more. Check out all the benefits we offer for your employees.

Health & Wellness

A health and wellness program provides employees with access to resources that promote healthier lifestyles that can have a positive impact on employees' physical and mental well-being. These perks can include access to a gym, on-site health clinics, healthy eating programs, mental health support, and so much more. By offering these kinds of lifestyle benefits, it can help employees have better health, experience fewer sick days, and reduce stress levels. A company that invests in the overall well-being of their employees creates a work environment where everyone has the tools they need to stay healthy and happy. 

Work-Life Balance

With many people working remote, work-life balance has become a priority for many employees. By offering lifestyle benefits like flexible schedules, more vacation time, and family leave options, companies can help their employees have a better balance in their personal and professional lives. When employees feel that their employer understands and supports the importance of having a work-life balance, they are more likely to be productive and engaged. Learn more about the importance of having a work-life balance here.

Reduced Health Care Costs

A significant benefit of offering lifestyle benefits for employees is a reduction in health care costs. According to the CDC, a review “of worksite health programs showed that well-implemented workplace health programs can lead to 25% savings each on absenteeism, health care costs, and workers' compensation and disability management claims costs.” 

Travel Perks

Traveling for work can be exhausting and leave you drained, but many companies offer incentives to make it worthwhile. Travel perks could include upgrades, discounts on airfare, cars and hotels, and even loyalty program memberships. Travel perks can help employees be more energized to take personal trips.

Better Company Culture

Promoting a healthy lifestyle can help to create a positive company culture. This can lead to increased job satisfaction and retention rates, which can translate into a more stable workforce and reduce turnover-related expenses. Also, happy employees can be ambassadors for their company, spreading positive word-of-mouth and helping to attract top talent.

Why Choose Passport

Our corporate benefit program can be customized to each organization and we have over 10,000 locations participating in our program!

Some large companies we have partnerships with are:

Some city specific partners

Puget Sound Area

Bay Area

San Diego Area

Austin Area

NYC Area

Want to learn more about how Passports programs can rev­o­lu­tion­ize your busi­ness? Contact us to set up a demo.