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With some or all of your staff working remotely, you can no longer track their productivity in-person. You can't see for yourself whether employees are remaining on-track or if they are facing any at-home obstacles impeding their efficiency. Some roadblocks could be caused by sharing their workspace with their children who have been homebound.
Due to the pandemic, your employees’ children's schools may be closed for their safety. That means they are conducting their schooling from home virtually. Your staff members may be struggling as they need to monitor their children, coach them through their virtual learning, and possibly share their computer, taking away from their ability to work during school hours.
Having children going through remote learning while remaining focused on the day’s workload can be difficult. It could be impairing your staff productivity. However, as a leader, you can help. Through your employee benefits package, you can support parents by offering discounts on services that will take care of their children and help them thrive under their new education methods.
Consider including discounts to these child-focused services in your employee benefits package:
While schooling will keep their child occupied, your remote employees will still need to stay close by to keep them safe. A typical workday is also usually longer than a school day, so your parent staff may need to pause their work to occupy their children before or after school. With so many learning-focused programs available around school hours, parents can keep their child in one place as they continue virtual learning until the workday is done. Your employees may not be currently enrolling their children in these programs because of their expensive pricing, so a discount for these could go a long way.
Some parents have children who may not be quite old enough to be enlisted in schooling but still at an age where they would appreciate learning something new. Through online courses, your parent staff can keep their child occupied and allow them to start their learning early. Or, they can offer their child extracurricular education to build their skills and learn to do things they love. Discounts on these courses will make them much more affordable and accessible for your employees.
Having another person or group watch your child is expensive. With discounts on childcare services, like daycares or babysitting organizations, your employees can make sure their child is kept safe during workdays so they can focus on their job without the extra stress of concern.
Nannies are an excellent resource for families with children. They watch the children while also helping maintain the home’s condition. A nanny could be a great help to your employees if they can afford it. Include discounts to nanny services in your benefits package to improve your staff productivity and allow them to concentrate on your business.
Virtual learning may not be as effective as in-person education for children. The screen adds physical and emotional distance between the child and their classroom environment, making it more challenging to grasp what they’re learning and falling behind. With the help of a tutor, parents can give their children the support they need to thrive in their virtual classroom without taking extra time away from their workday. Tutors come with a price, so a lower rate on their services will make parents more willing to seek this kind of service.
With Passport Unlimited, you can build an employee benefits package that could help parents take care of their childrenwhile staying productive for your business. You’ll notice your staff will work efficiently, and they’ll be much less stressed about their child care concerns, and their children can master their virtual learning. Your employees will feel valued that you help make their life a little easier when working for you.